By Somerandomguy64 - 10/12/2013 18:04 - United States - Pleasantville

Today, my wife made a system where I earn gaming time by either giving her money or doing her favors. Now whenever I use my phone, she accuses me of "secretly playing Xbox games" and gets pissed at me. I'm 28 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 253
You deserved it 9 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Did she also make a sex rewards chart?

**** her, she doesn't own you. Do what you want.


Zach2014 11

I would play the game system without her

Maybe OP has been paying more attention to whatever console he has rather than his wife and she's feeling insecure. Why is it always someone being controlling rather than someone else not noticing the real issue? Considering she's asking for money though, she's probably losing the value of relationship and taking advantage of it :/

"giving her money". Golddigger alert. Run. Fast.

You're grown. If you're allowing this, it's your fault. If she wants money tell her to get a job.

pwnman 33

What? Xbox doesn't emulate on any phone!

cryssycakesx3 22

maybe she thinks his talking on the phone is him talking on a game? just a thought.

Sounds like you may be playing xbox way too much. Time to step back from time to time. Nothing wrong with gaming at all, but if you are playing a lot this might be a good thing.

1prozacaday 1

Op: is your wife a stay at home wife/mother? If so then that's messed up! If one gets the opportunity to be a sahw then it's harsh to ask so much of a working spouse. You deserve free time and down time! DESERVE! If she works too, then it sounds like maybe things need to be divvied up a bit! Good luck!

Stay at home isn't all that it's cracked up to be. I don't even have kids and it's more tiring then any office job. I recently had to stop working due to illness so I've taken over just about everything in the house. I don't bring in help like I use to when we both worked jobs and side business. Toss in I don't get out unless if it's to run errands or go to the doctors, it becomes mentally exhausting as well. If there were kids to chase after, I would probably lay in front of a bus. Keeping up with a 2 year old husky is bad enough lol. Fortunately my husband actually sees taking care of the house as the work it is. Neither of us complain about the others hobbies unless if it becomes too much, but then we compromise. None of this ticket bullshit. We find other hobbies that we can enjoy together.

Do you have a windows phone? If so I can understand...but seriously you are a grown man you should be able to game when you want or to a decent extent have just time in general...