By Anonymous - 01/09/2011 18:02 - United States

Today, my wife told our six year old daughter that the devil beats his wife whenever there's a rainbow. Now she won't stop crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 740
You deserved it 4 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She will never look at Skittles the same again...

Now that kid will never be able to enjoy a rainbow, nice going.


leadman1989 15

Now tell Your daughter the truth that there is no devil and problem solved.

Buzzy123 7

Double Rainbow all the way? (that video sucked)

.... WTF were you drunk your entire relationship with her damn dawg. Your wife is insane to make a 6 year old think that. And your wife is insane.

ItsApril 0

Straighten your wife out. She shouldn't be saying shit like that to a six year old!

WOW, forever life scars on your daughter. Forget saving for college, save for mental heath care for her. But it should be easy, you have a pass on buying Care Bears, Rainbow Bright toys, My Little Pony toys, etc... anything with rainbows. Your wife is an enormous psycho bitch, but she did save you a ton of cash -- for now---

or just change from the devil beats his wife to chris brown beating his wife lhh