By Dr_Dolittle - 12/01/2010 15:27 - United Kingdom

Today, my young son swung a plastic pipe, it makes a kind of whistling sound as it spins around. I was standing a little too close, luckily it missed both my legs, but hit my happy sacks full on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 411
You deserved it 5 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

I never heard the slang "happy sacks" until FML.

Happy sacks is such a lame term. Therefore YDI.


mshafty 0

Sign him up for little league. Your kids seems to have an aptitude for the sports requirements. Or maybe he just hates you!

who the **** cares if he says 'happy sacks'

Yeah seriously though, this is like the most unoriginal and non-humorous FML I've ever read! So someones kid hit them in the balls by accident. Not even remotely special!

Beat up by your own son... Your doing it wrong.

I hate the term "Happy Sacks", is it some gay ass mod changing it to happy sack on all the fmls or what?

More than likely it is a ball sack and that's that

saranottelling 7

Wow! Your kid hit you in the "happy sacks"? How Original! I know I'm not the only one when I say that I hate the term "happy sacks." For some reason it makes me think of Happy Days. I don't want to think of "happy sacks" when I'm watching the Cunningham family and the Fonz do their thing... it spoils the show more than Ted McGinley. OP, I don't understand how it missed BOTH of your legs but still hit your "happy sacks" full on. Shouldn't your "happy sacks" be between your legs? I'm not calling fake, I'm just asking.

DanielleTheOne 3

lol well just so you know, every time someone writes balls on this thing it gets changed to "hapy sacks". i dont know if that includes comments thou so if the first one came up as happy sacks then it wasnt supposed to

saranottelling 7

I'd prefer "balls" over "happy sacks" anyday. Someone needs to change it. I don't care who- FML mods, Spongebob, Norm from Cheers- all I care is that happy sacks is changed!

BeforeTheStorm 0

lol that's what I was thinking #3 [x