By kiddo - 28/01/2009 15:42 - United States

Today, on my 18th birthday, my mom told me the man I thought was my father for 18 years was actually not my father, and my real father was in prison for murder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 103
You deserved it 2 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

camperben 0

That guy in prison was the sperm donor. The guy who changed your diapers and lived with you for 18 years is your Father.


I agree that the person you have been thinkin was your father is your father, or at least your father figure, but your real father is in jail, and you should visit him and get to know him. Your mom should not have made that decision to keep from you who your father was, and it was wrong of her to do that, but sooner or later you will need to forgive her and your other father. Good luck with your relationships with your parents.

are you in the words of Pearl Jam "still alive"

What I don't understand is why some people hit "You deserved it" for this FML.

doglover100 28

The dad that you know is your dad, the other man made a choice long time ago not to be a father.

Actually, the man who helped raise you for 18 years is your father. The man in jail gave you half your DNA, but he has done nothing for you. Don't let this ruin your relationship with the man who raised you...

SailorSolaris 43

Yeah, I'm 24 and found out my biological dad was once in jail for child molestation. But he's my BIOLOGICAL father, not my REAL father, as far as I'm concerned. He didn't raise me, my current father did. Your mom is an idiot for saying that the man who raised you isn't your father, OP. No offense.

I understand that it's terrible that you were unaware of the truth for all these years, but your mother was trying to look out for you the best she knew how.

The man in jail is not your father, your father is the one who raised you.

The man in prison may be your biological father OP but he isn't your actual father. Your father is the one who raised you.