By kiddo - 28/01/2009 15:42 - United States

Today, on my 18th birthday, my mom told me the man I thought was my father for 18 years was actually not my father, and my real father was in prison for murder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 103
You deserved it 2 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

camperben 0

That guy in prison was the sperm donor. The guy who changed your diapers and lived with you for 18 years is your Father.


I agree with all the people who think the asshole in jail ISN'T your real father. The man who raised you for 18 years is. He lived with you, he helped you with problems, he taught you wrong from right, he is your real father, forget about the retard in jail, he is nobody.

thats just a bad day. not to mention birthday

It's just like the Pearl Jam song Alive. However, as previously stated by various others, the man who was your Bio-donor is not always the same man as your father. I know exactly what you mean. My bio-donor is in jail for beating his wife, but my father is upstairs sleeping. Big difference dad was in prison when I was born. My mom told me when I was about 11, "trying to get back at him," and in the process, screwing me up good. But I grew up with just my dad alone, after age 13. He's a cool dude. A (real) jobless drug dealer... but he's very smart. No joke.

RyanZhang22 1

that is a lot like a pearl jam song.

If this is true, is my father also my mother? Lol, sorry OP.

suck it up my dads nurdered someone to i grew up without one you dont need a father...

bh0p 0

And on his 18th birthday he found out it wasn't his. Now I ain't sayin she a gold digga...