By kiddo - 28/01/2009 15:42 - United States

Today, on my 18th birthday, my mom told me the man I thought was my father for 18 years was actually not my father, and my real father was in prison for murder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 103
You deserved it 2 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

camperben 0

That guy in prison was the sperm donor. The guy who changed your diapers and lived with you for 18 years is your Father.


starberries 0

What the hell does telling the kid have to do with being a gold digger? You're stupid.

skimmer3008 0

for all the people who voted u totaly diserve it F U How the he'll does he deserv that!!!!

OP doesn't deverse it FYL ur real father is the one that acts like one he still loves you believe wats in ur heart not the sperm :)

imfjlb 0

damn I'd blow up on her ass!!

The person who raised you is your Dad. It doesn't matter who the sperm donor is.

now when you get shoved in college restroom stall while being pissed upon by an overweight jock named gurtty, your father can give u tips on how to kill him!....or is that just me? O.o

#6- a half brother is different than a fake father, and a biological father who committed murder.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

The only problem here is that your mom lied to you, you still have a father figure, something that not everyone has these days.