By Jen__ - 22/03/2014 07:18 - Canada - Kitimat

Today, once again I was told I looked a bit like Lindsay Lohan. I can't figure out if they mean the young, good looking one, or the current cracked out rehab version. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 216
You deserved it 4 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

Hopefully it's the Mean Girls Era one. Positive vibes OP!

Go with the good looking one a d you won't have to worry about their opinion other than yours o.o


People remember anything about her other than a cracked out drug addled person? I sure don't. Brittany spears is still bald right?

Don't feel bad, I get that twilight chick all the time for some reason.

If you don't do drugs, and are in reasonably good health, then I would guess the young healthy version. Don't let it get to you. I used to get people telling me I looked like Courtney Love. In my case, I probably just needed to lighten up on the eyeliner.

I have the same problem but people compare me to Brittany spears. I don't look like either version of her tho!

Look in the mirror, do you look preety or do you look like you're on crack?

Idk i get told i look like tyra banks but i never unsderstood the resemblance

I have NO idea what you mean by "current cracked out rehab version" of Lindsay. She looks the best she's been in YEARS. Have you not seen her Docu-series on OWN?

What other people think of you is none of your buisness.