By WittyMoron - 01/07/2015 18:10 - United Kingdom

Today, our family dog died. A couple of hours after the death, my mother-in-law slapped my crying five year old son over the head and told him to "Man up." She totally refuses to admit she did anything wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 873
You deserved it 2 191

WittyMoron tells us more.

I told my wife that was completely unacceptable, and as some people said, I took the high road in not slapping her back. I began an argument with my wife about it, and it got a bit intense. I told her that her mother could not come back, and she got quite angry. I went into the living room and began to cry. This is what gets me. What she did taught him the wrong thing. My son came in, said "Man up, daddy!" and tried to slap me, but he's little so it didn't hurt. But anyway, I got even more furious that he had learnt something from it. The argument ensued. Things are a bit cold. Sleeping on the sofa now but I told my son it's okay to be upset. Buried the dog, and needless to say my MIL is not invited back for a little while.

Top comments


WTH ???!!!!!! PLEASE resist the urge to slap her back . Not that she doesnt fully deserve it for 1) being a gross , despicable human being and 2) for raising her hand on YOUR child especially when the child is grieving a beloved family pet and didnt do anything wrong. You would probably land in jail if you hit her back and that is the last thing your family needs right now. My most sincere condolences , OP. Losing a family dog is a terrible thing!! To a child, and to most adults, a dog is like a family member . I'm so outraged at her reaction that I almost wish i knew where she lives so I could go egg her house ! Ugh !!

Actually defending someone defenseless such as s child is 100% legal.

Calm the actual **** down. He should hit her back she did a terrible thing.

Totally. it's the Internet, there's like a 60% chance its not real anyway

Reach back like a pimp and slap the ho.

rocker_chick23 27

I hope you told her that she isn't welcome in your house any more.

leogachi 15

That's what I would do. If my husband had a problem with it, I'd take my child and leave if he refused to get out. This is straight up child abuse and it shouldn't be tolerated for any reason.

thatonetribute 31

I would have slapped her for daring to lay a hand on my child! How dare she?!

lovedbynoone 22

What in the actual ****? What kind of a person hits a child?!? Holy crap, OP! Did she abuse your spouse too? She clearly has issues.

Kill her favourite pet, and when she shows even the tiniest amount of emotion, pimp-slap her and tell her to woman up. If she lacks pets, a favourite anything will suffice.

lilchica22001 22

Why should an innocent animal have to die just to teach that twat a lesson? She get hers...karma is a bitch.

I would have smacked and shaken her. Probably gone the extra mile and shove her against a wall. She was being a bully amd teaching him to be cold and unfeeling. Men can cry.

It sounds like MIL needs to lose visitation privileges for a good long while. And let her know if she lays her hand on your child again, the best she could expect is a phone call on her birthday. What a twat.