By WittyMoron - 01/07/2015 18:10 - United Kingdom

Today, our family dog died. A couple of hours after the death, my mother-in-law slapped my crying five year old son over the head and told him to "Man up." She totally refuses to admit she did anything wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 874
You deserved it 2 192

WittyMoron tells us more.

I told my wife that was completely unacceptable, and as some people said, I took the high road in not slapping her back. I began an argument with my wife about it, and it got a bit intense. I told her that her mother could not come back, and she got quite angry. I went into the living room and began to cry. This is what gets me. What she did taught him the wrong thing. My son came in, said "Man up, daddy!" and tried to slap me, but he's little so it didn't hurt. But anyway, I got even more furious that he had learnt something from it. The argument ensued. Things are a bit cold. Sleeping on the sofa now but I told my son it's okay to be upset. Buried the dog, and needless to say my MIL is not invited back for a little while.

Top comments


You went bat shit crazy at her right

I was 21 the last time I lost a dog and I cried for a long time afterwards. So did my mom and dad. I would tell your MIL that she is not allowed to see your son until she apologizes. If she never admits that she's wrong then she never gets to see her grandson again. See how she likes that.

Should've slapped her over the head until she understood what she did wrong

If she's willing to hit your grieving child, then have the nerve to tell a 5 year old to "man up, then deny that there she did anything wrong - all while you are there to see it - then just imagine what she is willing to do when you aren't there and how far she'll go to try and make you to think nothing happened. Sorry OP but she should not be alone with your kids - ever. It sounds like even with supervision she will be a risk to your child. You need to have a long talk with your wife about whether or not she can be trusted to be around your kids.

blue26dragon 3

I would slap her and tell her to get out of my house

blue26dragon 3

Your mother in law is a bitch. I lam 24 and I lost my dog of 7 years on the 13th and I still cry when I think of him. I hope you told her that she isn't allowed anywhere near your son for a while.

Have a talk with him and let him know it's okay to feel sad. Especially little boys really need to hear that it's okay to show their emotions, because society always tells them not to.

How on earth can over 200 people think you deserve this??

On average 10% of people chose you deserve it. She is under 10% so even the usually "you deserve it" people sympathize with her.

Quiet_one 22

I'm so sorry, OP. Some people have no empathy. My dad told me that we all needed to get over it and stop being sad the day we got my old dog's terminal cancer diagnosis. He gets really annoyed whenever people are showing emotions that he doesn't also feel. Since moving out and realizing that none of my friends grew up with that (among other behaviors), I think he has some kind of undiagnosed mental disorder. If this woman is willing to hit a child, you need to distance yourself from her- cut off all contact if that's what it takes. She should not be around your son.