By Anonymous - 23/01/2014 21:49 - United States - Washington

Today, school was out because of snow. My dad walked in my room and shouted "Why are you home?!" I told him why, and he replied, "Then get out the damn house and play in the snow." He tossed me out in nothing but my shorts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 800
You deserved it 5 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should've brought some snow back inside and shoved it down his pants when he wasn't paying attention.

No, OP is still outside as we speak. It's thought he turned into a snowman (or slenderman), but they say if you listen really closely, you can still hear OP shivering outside your door.


novapine 19

Legally, that is abuse. if you are underage, its a lot worse.

bobo_the_bear 5

Get out of the house and shovel the driveway or sidewalks.

With his hands? Doubt any wood in his shorts was a shovel handle. Geez, let him get inside and dressed properly, first!

My parents used to wake me up in the middle of the night when it snowed and made my sister and I go play in it. although thankfully we got to wear snowsuits!

I'm guessing you live somewhere that it doesn't snow very often

A little fresh snow never hurt anyone

skittyskatbrat 19

Well, hopefully he let you right back inside; if not, consider calling the cops. That shit is not legal. If he DID let you back inside after a few seconds of freak-out, time to dress warm, go outside, and put a giant snow penis behind his car. Then come back inside and tell him some dick blocked his car into the driveway. Just make sure you can outrun him. (If you're really feeling evil, a bit of water added to the snow makes it next to impossible to remove quickly)

Well u have a fun to be father ... Many children are crying that their parents aint letting them out to play in snow

Someone's dad wanted some private time lol