By jsyn - 09/11/2013 23:27 - United States - East Hampton

Today, somebody broke into my car, just to steal the obviously fake $1,000,000 bill hanging from my rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 081
You deserved it 11 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would love to be the bank teller taking the bill when he tries to cash it. "No, sir, we don't cash Monopoly money either."

Too bad that money wasn't real. The idiot could have used it to by some brains.


i guess you just got robbed by an idiot that now believes is a millionaire

vandeele 8

I would love to see his face when he sees its fake

"Sir, since when is Oprah Winfrey on the million dollar bill?"

kiraleann 16

Maybe the thief is really that stupid and believed it was real. If that's the case, then f his life too.

No I'm sorry you deserved it. Fake or not, the likelihood the person breaking in would have seen the supposed value of the note before he was in the car and in front of it is pretty slim; unless they were leaning over the car and saw it before they made the decision to break in. Now I'm not saying he was smart to take it, but they saw a currency note and went for it. We have had people in my town break into cars for loose change that was visible. Be careful.

baconboy_42 8

Wait, you mean this *isn't* real? ::facepalm::