By jsyn - 09/11/2013 23:27 - United States - East Hampton

Today, somebody broke into my car, just to steal the obviously fake $1,000,000 bill hanging from my rear-view mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 081
You deserved it 11 974

Same thing different taste

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I would love to be the bank teller taking the bill when he tries to cash it. "No, sir, we don't cash Monopoly money either."

Too bad that money wasn't real. The idiot could have used it to by some brains.


Well at least he didn't steal anything expensive!

ViviMage 38

Better take down the Garmin/GPS off the windshield too! People will break into cars for that on the black market. An in some states, rearview mirror items that obstruct the view are illegal.

My car was broken into one night and nothing visible was in it. They may have seen the plug marks from where the GPS mount sticks to the windscreen. They stole my GPS, an old iPod cord and a toolkit.

Back in the day at my college rez parking lot, every car with the circle mark on the windshield was broken in to and had their GPS stolen. I now wipe it off everytime I put my GPS away.

The suspect is described as white male mid to late 40's bald waring a all gray jumpsuit and white shoes. Uses air quotes and his pinky frequently to express his emotions.

I've heard he's got one fat bastard as a henchman.

News anchor the day after: "Diane, I say, there's been an attempt to cash a $1,000,000 bill on the Main Street store." "Well, Tom, that doesn't surprise me. Now, let's cut to Tricia Takanawa, who is talking about the stupidity of the human race." "Well, Diane, this is almost as bad as the time somebody tried to cash in Monopoly money. The human race is certainly getting stupider." "Thanks for that insight."

"Now Ollie with the weather. Ollie?" "IT'S GONNA RAIN!!" "Thanks Ollie"

Its FML posts like this where I wonder: "What the actual ****?!"

perdix 29

Ask the thief to give you $500 for the damage -- he'll still be $999,500 up! People who rely on smash-and-grabs for income are usually on the bottom of the intelligence scale.

coolboy675 16

He just wanted to be a millionaire so freaking bad. Can you blame him?

yungjohns 10

Well that must be one stupid person

perdix 29

YDI for showing off your wealth! I keep all of my $1,000,000 bills in a very secure bank and I keep a middle-class profile to keep people from getting jealous. Our secret, right? ;)