By Anonymous - 21/05/2012 01:10 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, someone threw an open soda can at me from a car. It missed, so they circled around and threw an unopened can. That one hit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 078
You deserved it 2 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were these people high on Coke? I'm sure this gave you a Jolt, but in Sprite of your ordeal, don't keep Tabs on these people - they could be dangerous criminals. You need to try to stay 5-Alive. I would take a Minute Maid and then get out of town. Maybe take a walk through some Mountain Dew and breathe some Sierra Mist, or take a trip to a Sunkist Orangina grove, or go visit your Crush. I hope my advice Pepsis you up a bit. Good luck.

TheCarChanel 0

Did u grab the unopened one


hateevryone 14

What the hell was the purpose?

You might want to go see a Dr Pepper to make sure you're not injured.

you should have gave them the finger and drank the soda, if it was unopened

here's what you do you pick up the can wave it in the air yelling thanks for the free drink! then pop that thing open and take a swig

That happened to me once. The guy cut me off so I flipped him a bird and he threw his open coke at me. The car was sticky for days.

tehdarkness 21

I threw a quarter pounder at someone once. For no reason. I was young, it was funny. Less dangerous than a soda though!

Someone tried to throw a half-eaten chicken wing into a trash can once... It hit me on the head. I smelled like hot sauce for the rest of the day. I've also been hit by a banana, grapes, a bottle cap, and various snack foods. Never a can though, sucks for you.