By Anonymous - 21/05/2012 01:10 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, someone threw an open soda can at me from a car. It missed, so they circled around and threw an unopened can. That one hit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 078
You deserved it 2 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were these people high on Coke? I'm sure this gave you a Jolt, but in Sprite of your ordeal, don't keep Tabs on these people - they could be dangerous criminals. You need to try to stay 5-Alive. I would take a Minute Maid and then get out of town. Maybe take a walk through some Mountain Dew and breathe some Sierra Mist, or take a trip to a Sunkist Orangina grove, or go visit your Crush. I hope my advice Pepsis you up a bit. Good luck.

TheCarChanel 0

Did u grab the unopened one


Point of view #1: Someone assaulted you by throwing things. Point of view #2: Someone gave you free soda.

Larco_fml 3

That happened to a friend of mine, only it was tonic water, and he had to go to the hospital. He was admitted with can-o-tonic shock.

So you just stood there waiting for them to come back?