By ohhelllllno - 20/04/2009 10:05 - Canada

Today, the $300 ring my boyfriend gave me for my birthday slipped off my finger... into the toilet. I had to sift through my own poo to get it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 195
You deserved it 19 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today my girlfriend told me the ring she thinks cost me $300 fell in the toilet and she fished it out. It was $5 at a garage sale. FHL"


wow $300 on a ring? was the plastic it was made out of real? was the "diamond" still shiny afterwards?!

Hm! Hoped you cleaned that bad boy. All the power to you. I'd probably cry or iono buy some gloves?

fcuk_fml 0

at least it was ur own, not a stranger's

Sessee 4

This actually happened to me before. Except it was just pee. But I still used a toilet brush.

So what? I find the fact that one carries poo around in one's body somewhat more disturbing than being forced to touch the own poo to go toilet fishing...just wash it off

z_ace69 0

i wish lord of the rings have a scene like this.