By Anonymous - 12/10/2009 20:57 - United States

Today, the 86 year old guy next door told me I needed three things in life to succeed: a cook book, a boyfriend, and a boob job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 232
You deserved it 4 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's old enough to where his sexist remarks make sense. 70 years younger and I woulda bitch slapped him with my metal-decorated bike gloves on.


i absolutely agree with this old man.. saying that all a woman needs to succeed is a pimp, a cookbook, and a boobjob is the most valid statement ever said.. the pimp will give you your multiple orgasms, the cookbook will help with your sandwhich making skills, and also maybe help you satisfy your pimp in bed, with something like a pourtugese breakfast, and the boobjob,? it means that you don't have to get a real job, you already have a nice boobjob (and perhaps be pretty decent at your ******* and handjob)

my girl doesn't need a cook book... because i cook better than any hoe that i will end up with. but a boob job would be nice. ;)

Happy to see that you respect your "hoe." :)

Jakester 0

hmm well you could dress up like rachel ray (plus the boobs you could make fake ones yourself) and cook like her so finding a boyfriend would come easy :D perfecto!!

suckmywangchong 0

Well, if you learn to cook and get a boob job, the boyfriend comes naturally

Darn it, plexico stole my comment. I guess that's what I get for only checking FML on my phone in the middle of the night when I should be going to sleep; I don't exactly get one of the first comments.

panicked 0

Someone reads MLIA. Read MoonShoesPotter's comment (replying to BandGeekLove's comment)

Dude. The FML came first by many hours. MoonShoesPotter even admitted it. BEFORE you posted your comment there (and this one here) saying that FML stole it from MLIA. At least read timestamps and/or replies before making dumb accusations.

AntiChrist7 0

YDI for caring what a senile person said