By Jeri - 12/02/2010 08:41 - United States
Same thing different taste
By divorced - 19/08/2010 10:01 - United States
By TrashGirl - 24/06/2018 01:30
By you would - 04/03/2009 05:15 - United States
By GlennGuagmire - 23/10/2016 06:23 - Saudi Arabia - Ras Tanura
By Anonymous - 07/06/2023 06:00
By Sarah - 01/01/2013 15:15 - United States
By Whatthehell - 22/10/2017 05:00
By haphazard2007 - 02/01/2012 09:44 - United States
Bye, dipshit
By Anonymous - 25/11/2020 23:02 - United States - Merrimack
It's all too much
By Anonymous - 23/06/2024 09:00 - United States
Top comments
it doesn't matter how young she was wen they got married they lasted 10 years and that's a long time.. getting married young is better than ******* around with every Tom dick and Harry and having children from 10 different guys!!
There are in fact middle grounds between marrying young and screwing around/having children with every guy you know... Also, marriage is supposed to be FOR LIFE. Obviously, it doesn't always work that way for everyone, but that is supposed to be the goal. So for everyone saying, "But they stayed together for TEN WHOLE YEARS!" It was totally a good idea for them to get married so young!"... no. Ten years and then divorce is not a successful marriage.
Im 27, and have had 0 children. Waiting till your older doesn't mean you're an idiot who's going to take ridiculous chances. Im very careful when I sleep with someone. Ive been on birth control since I was 18. I don't want kids till after Im married. Ive made that choice and plan to stick to it. Beyond just having birth control, I have also had teaching in Natural family planning, so I know when Im most fertile and stay away from those dates. Also, it's not like Im out ******* any guy that walks by. Currently, I only sleep with my boyfriend. Someone who actually has potential for a future relationship because we are both financially and emotionally independant and are choosing to be with each other. We know backgrounds and future plans the other has. Our goals can work well together. Plus, he's an amazing guy who actually knows how to treat a woman. (I thought the guys before did, but this guy puts them all to shame) Also, 10 years out of a 70-80 year life, isn't really that long. It seem slong when you're young, but it's a blink of an eye when you're older. My mom and dad were together for 8 years, but my mom's been with my stepdad for almost 20, now. Sorry, but I am choosing to find someone that will last till death do us part, not until one of us gets fed up and wants to move on.
We need more people like 132.
way I'm trying to say is it's good they lasted that long!! at the end of the day they wernt for each other wether she married him at 18 28 or 38 they were guna get divorced nobody knows what happens behind closed doors.. and in divorce cases nobody ever tells the truth!!
132 if that comment was aimed at me I wasn't talking about people that are in serious relationships.. I said that because of all the comments above saying you shouldn't get marries young.. I have friends that don't know who their father is because of stupid shit their mums have done that's bot fair for the kids!! if your thinking about the future with your boyfriend and using protection good on you.. my comment wasn't aimed at people like you..
Yeah, those people aren't generally the type of people I like, either. Although, some situations are better off without the father involved. One of my old coworkers and friends had a guy who wanted to marry her. e introduced her as "the one" to everyone. They had an oops, and he told her to get rid of it. Made her life kind of a living hell for the next couple months, including sending her emails telling her which states abortion was still legal in. Her daughter will never know her real father, but I think it's a good thing. He told her that in 18 years, if she were to try and seek him out, he would tell her that he never wanted her and wants nothing to do with her. :/ I understand it in situations like that, but yeah, if someone is going out just sleeping with whoever and having babies like they're going out of style, that is AWFUL!
The gift that keeps on giving all year round.
ooh... tht suks... well my bdays been going like shit also... ya my bdays 2day also... my parents are making me babysit my sister
Wow! That sucks but you didnt see it coming? Just go out find someone else to enjoy half his stuff with. Guaranteed that he has someone else already and probably has had this person for a while. Not all guys are this way I couldnt even imagine doing this.
Good gawd you were married at 18?!? YDI for being so stupid. Life is short - you shouldn't tie yourself to one person before you have even had time to actually live and experience anything. If anything this is the BEST gift that guy could give you while you are still young. GO LIVE. Date, have fun, experience things, visit new places.
Oh please. I'm 22 and have been with my fiancee since we were 14. We've been living on our own for four years. We're getting married this year. We're in the real world. I'm a teacher, he's an engineer. People can know love at a young age and that love can last a lifetime. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean others don't. Our relationship has lasted longer than many people who get married in their 30's.
holy crap. that sucks.