By Jeri - 12/02/2010 08:41 - United States

Today, the day of my 29th birthday and two weeks after our 10th wedding anniversary, the only thing my husband got me for my birthday was divorce papers. Happy birthday, bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 657
You deserved it 4 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh please. I'm 22 and have been with my fiancee since we were 14. We've been living on our own for four years. We're getting married this year. We're in the real world. I'm a teacher, he's an engineer. People can know love at a young age and that love can last a lifetime. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean others don't. Our relationship has lasted longer than many people who get married in their 30's.

NeonWar__ 0


You got married at 19 and it didn't last? How shocking.

perdix 29

Would you have rather waited until you were 49 and been married for 30 loveless years? You'd be old, bitter, dried-up and pretty much not worth a helluva lot in the marriage market. You should take comfort that at 29, you are still hot and fertile and in a great position to find a wonderful man. These days may suck, but your future will probably be much brighter. It may takes some time to get your head together to be ready for Mr. Right. May I suggest that in the meantime, you build your confidence by dating older pervs?

This is why Perdix is the best. He nows how to be serious at the right time. lol

l0ri3 0

@skyshark wow u must really not know ur history if u think gays were accepted in the 40's.

Hahahaha, that was his point. Times change. Just because people were married young back in the day, doesn't mean it's the same now.

I feel so bad for OP, but I seriously doubt that the divorce came as a surprise. It sucks that he was rude enough to do it around such big events (anniversary, valentines, b'day, etc.) Atleast you tried, its not easy at all to be married young. My husband and I are both 23, we married last march and I am really hoping that there is truth behind the first year being the hardest, if the rest are as difficult this marriage wont last either. There are a lot of environtmental factors that really take a toll on a marriage, more so on young couples, such as moving to a new place, starting a new job. Its discouraging to ever hear about other young couples not making it. There are a lot of people i know who married at a similar age as my husband and I, and almost none of them are happy. On top of that most are only still together because of children. I give the OP kudos for sticking it out 10 years, hopefully they leave this marriage with better understanding of who they are and what they really want in life so they can begin anew with eyes wide open!

it's incredible it lasted that long if you married at 18. Consider your freedom a birthday gift, too bad you lost your 20s, which is generally a time to explore your sexuality and have lots of sex. :(

today is my 29th birthday as well. I am sorry your getting divorced, your (ex) husband sounds like a tool

OP, be happy that he divorced you. If someone is that unhappy in a marriage that he is willing to just end it, then everything would have crumpled up eventually. Rather be divorced than unhappily married. As for marrying at a young age.....I agree it depends on the people, love, etc....but honestly, you haven't really lived life until you've been on your own for a while and taste the "real world." I love my boyfriend to death. Been with him for a long time. But I'm almost 23, been living on my own since 18, lived with my boyfriend for a year, consider myself mature enough, and I STILL refuse to get married until I'm 25. I'd rather be engaged and sitting on that ring for a few years before I walk to that alter. The more time you have to stew on the thought of saying those vows, the more you can trust that decision. That being said, people change as they grow older. In all honesty, no matter how old you are, you can't prepare for every problem that may come your way. Get a pre-nup, talk things through to iron out all the kid/financial stability details, live together for a few years....and then go for it. Marriage isn't like buying a house or car shopping. Once you commit, there's a shit-load more of financial and emotional head-aches you go through to end your "lease" to that person. To the young lovers out there thinking about getting married: Good luck. I don't wish any of you guys to fail. But just be careful... Why ruin a good relationship by rushing into something as serious as marriage? Wedding rings shouldn't be considered as the only proof of true love.

Correct me if I'm wrong though. If the husband led to the end of the marriage, would it not make more sense for her to get the papers and not him?

Figures all the women on here assume it was him. Ever think it was her fault?

Actually, kid, it was most likely both of them or outside factors. What people are annoyed about is that he would have her served ON her birthday. That shows it's ugly and he's finding ways to be especially nasty about it.

Well. Idk, I definately appreciate the manner in which you adressed my comments. My comments probably were a little out of hand but I like the fact that there are still people who are polite about stuff. Although I'm 19 which I don't consider a kid or adult really.

Sorry, I call a lot of people kid. Not meant as a bad thing. Also, just as an fyi, not all women take half. I was always taught to be independent. When my parents got divorced, all my mom asked for was child support..which he still wasn't good at providing. She didn't make it ugly or try to force him to provide because she made enough to support us herself. He did give up the house, but that was his choice...because he was also giving up the kids. That's the kind of role model I had, so Im not exactly the type to try and take what's not mine. Now, I will say, if a husband cheats on me, Ill take whatever I can, lol. I used to tell my ex that all the time. "I don't care that you make less than me, you ever cheat on me, Ill take everything you've got!" Just because cheating is so disrespectful and unforgivable.

AntiChrist7 0