By harrington61 - 19/05/2013 21:27 - United States - Midland

Today, the extremely uncooperative client whom I'm trying to defend in court sent me a letter in which he threatened to sue me, because charging him for my services supposedly violates his "constipational rights". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 303
You deserved it 3 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

The only thing constipated here is his bloody brain, drop him and the case.


upallnight11 19

Well, let's hope his auto correct was responsible for this stupid letter. I doubt it, tbh..

I didn't know paper had built-in autocorrect!

MichaelT17 9

If this guy really sues shouldn't the case be thrown out cause he said constitutional rights wrong?.......... I'm 13 and in pre-law I was told a case was thrown out case they spelled the defendants name wrong...... I don't know but use that in your argument

I really don't think OP has anything to worry about anyway.

MichaelT17 9

Let em sue you it's an easy case that u can win

If he can't shit you must remit. I'm Harvey Levin and I'm a lawyer.

Such is life in the average American city.

kingdomgirl94 29

it is his constipational right to be absolutely full of shit.

girlymae 12

I call bullshit on that one..

I can only IMAGINE what he had done to be in court.

Well, it does sound like he has something stuck up his ass.