By harrington61 - 19/05/2013 21:27 - United States - Midland

Today, the extremely uncooperative client whom I'm trying to defend in court sent me a letter in which he threatened to sue me, because charging him for my services supposedly violates his "constipational rights". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 303
You deserved it 3 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

The only thing constipated here is his bloody brain, drop him and the case.


InfernoVivo 12

I don't think you need to worry...

Let him sue. Offer yourself as a lawyer for that case, too. 2 for 1 special!

Inkedldd 8

Oh how I love dumb criminals. Sorry op :)

aliabchal 7

Lmao! I'm a bondsman, completely understand... Thanks for the laughs!!!!!

brittyed 11

Maybe he needs more fiber :D

Grauncho 27

Well at least this letter removed any doubt that he's full of shit.

dhaxor 9

Lets hope he doesn't procreate....

Guess you could say he`s full of shit.

Offer to help him sue you, that way you'll get payed when he loses.