By Fuckit - 28/05/2011 05:51 - United States

Today, the girl I love made me text my best friend how much she loved him. This because her phone died. I was at the movies with her on our date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 487
You deserved it 6 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

also I think the word 'love' is used very loosely these days... there isn't love at first sight... there is lust and passion but love comes from a mutual respect for each other and ur time together, lust slowly grows into love... sorry just my opinion :)


Well, now you get to see if your best friend is really your best friend. Think of it like a litmus test.

To me this looks like op is going on a date with his bestfriend's girlfriend.

SkyHiLyfe_808 0

She's pulled a bitch move, but you shouldn't be such a push over. Make her confess her love on her own time.

If a girl asked me to do that, I would have said "see ya" and gotten up and left. If she said that she had no way of getting home I would have responded "call my friend for a ride" and left her.

jane79 0

if op was smart he would have made sure she knew it was a date and that she knew he liked her. and if she did know all this and still asked him to text his best friend then she's a bitch and he should of told her that he would be back then either go watch another movie by him self then leave after it or just left her there all by her self and her dead phone so she could walk home. either way he should not had her in his car after the movie

metfanatic1986 0

say you want to **** her later, so no

KatiePartisha 0

or maybe she loves her friend like a friend??? eh ever thought about that? not saying to not be cautious.

then he wouldn't have made a big deal out of it, in my own opinion

Egnar 19

"Girl you love" - Once again. . . Seems to keep happening - Did she know it was a date? Because if she was a friend of yours before hand just saying "Hey wanna grab a movie sometime" just isn't enough. Especially considering a movie nowdays is a very poor choice of date location. A movie allows for almost zero communication at all and implies the stigma of just wanting to hook up with somebody [sitting in the back row]. It adds zero relationship value. On the other hand if you had made it obvious this was a date to some extent and she still did that she's just a dick. But, still, the girl "i love" scenario is a terrible one to get into.

sourgirl101 28

Come on...a movie is still be a great dating choice. I always have plenty to talk about right after the movie ends. You can still learn about a person's personality by watching their body language during a movie. Ex: Are they rude by talking through out the movie, do they share their ju ju beans, do they try to cop a feel too early on in the date?etc.... Just a thought.(:

Egnar 19

After a movie is a great time to talk but it's still 2 hours during the movie where you're presumably sitting next to an almost complete stranger - First dates are supposed to be about easing tension and getting to know each other. . . All you get from a movie is how perverted that person may/may not be - Afterwards you discuss the movie and end up not learning much about the other person.

sourgirl101 28

I would think that watching the movie for two hours would ease the tension of being together with someone you're not sure you'd get along with. The pressure is off of feeling like it's a job interview with the questions about jobs and cars. Especially, with some one you don't know very well. And I would think a movie date would continue after the movie. But I do see where you're coming from. Where I work, I've seen many first dates end up in dead silence because they don't know what to talk about. But if they had just seen a movie......

Egnar 19

If a first-date ends in total silence it probably isn't going very far from there. . a movie isn't going to help that.

sourgirl101 28

Egnar, I do enjoy reading your comments but now you have me wondering what you talk about on your first dates? I agree that it's about getting to know a person but there are only a few questions that are acceptable to talk about on "first dates". They are meant to be light and fun and about small talk and things you enjoy. One of the best things to talk about are "movies". Ex: Did you see 300? What did you think? What about "The Lady with the Dragon Tattoo? I saw Thor but not in 3-D blah blah blah. I think you may be expecting too much for a first date. No one bares their sole that soon.

Egnar 19

Sour no offense but your profile has you as being married to your High School sweet heart - Frankly, you've been out of the dating scene since before you were ever really in it. . . Yes a first date is supposed to be light and fun, but a movie, is just tense sitting next to somebody you don't know for 2 hours quietly. . .Can movies be talked about on a first date? Sure, you use probing questions about movies, and hobbies/activities to find out about the a person - But you do it while being distracted from the tensity of being in the presence of someone completely new.

sourgirl101 28

VS sitting in front of them one on one hoping you have enough subject material to keep them interested in you. Yes, you are correct, I have been out of the dating scene for..... But I still meet strangers at my job and since I get paid by tips, I need to get to know them one on one. They need to feel comfortable enough to return. Hence, a second date. Not a romantic one but a date non the less. I always talk about movies, concerts/music and sports (I know a lot, especially for a girl). I'm sorry I'm rambling on. Can you tell I'm a huge movie fan? Lol Oh and I still go on dates with my husband if that counts!(:

hellbilly205 17

that really sucks but id of told her to screw off and leve her there

Extremely inconsiderate. This wasn't so much as a date as it was her using you as a stepping stone to get to your best friend. Tell your BF what happened so he won't wind up with such a cruel, abusing woman.