By anonymous - 28/12/2009 02:18 - United States

Today, the girl that I have been secretly madly in love with for 6 years told me "fuck off and stop doing nice things for me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 879
You deserved it 10 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Six years? Cripes man! Unless you're the best friend, either bugger off or get the hint. I'd have said the exact same thing, honestly.


you really shouldn't have waited for six years, but fyl anyway, i know what it's like to be told to "**** of and stop being nice".

26. I agree with 100% however. I am a total ass hole. I don't do it to get girls it's just my sence of humor and personality. also. I'm hidiously ugly and there is no reason any girl should find me attractive....yet they still do...and they didn't still my assholeieness came out into the open 0.o makes me wonder sometimes. but more importantly HES RIGHT IF YOU LIKE SOMEONE TELL THEM!!!!

translation: "I need adderall to function and I am not on it right now, thus I shall speak incoherent affirmations of stereotypes. or at least I think that's what I did. I am not quite sure because braincells are for people who aren't assholes. also omgwtfbbq"

You should have punched her in the face the second she told you that, that'll show her your not nice! :P

Sounds like she likes you but doesn't really want to.

fretforyerlatte 0

oh god, don't encourage him. she clearly does NOT like him in the least. move on, OP.

sondheimmcgeek 0

Can't say I blame her considering you sound like a creeper. Seriously, "secretly madly in love for six years" just sounds sad and creepy. Girls don't like stalkers.

You liked her for 6 years and didn't get anything back? Not even a date? I can't blame her for telling you to leave her alone. If you've been doing 'nice' things for 6 years in an effort to spark something, and gotten nothing, chances are she's not interested in the slightest and you should chase other fish in the sea. YDI. Remember the old cliche, when you lose don't lose the lesson. A bit of an assumption, but it seems like you're someone who hasn't dated many people in the past. There are plenty of girls in the world, and so, so many are fantastic in their own ways. There's no reason to ever get so hung up on one girl that you exclude all the others from your mind (unless, of course, you're in a committed long term relationship with said one girl).

russianspy1234 11

And now you know the world we live in OP. Where being nice to a girl is considered creepy and stalkerish, and being creepy and a stalker is considered being nice (e.g. Edward Cullen). And hate to tell you this, but you were lucky to be told to **** off, because most girls would just start ignoring you in that situation. And to everyone calling him creepy, do you not do nice things for your friends? I'm guessing that since hes known her for 6 years and consistently doing things they are at least friends, and maybe he was OK with that? I do nice things for all my friends, whether it's the one I have a thing for or not, I've never had trouble with her, but a few other friends have stalked talking to me because apparently, being nice is a bad thing in this world. So there you have it OP. I'd tell you not to dwell, but I've heard that before and know how hard it can be. Best advice? flat out tell all your other female friends that you are not interested in them, because chances are, a few of them think that you are.

theblazian 0

Lol he was "secretly madly in love" with her for six years.... that IS Edward Cullen stalkish. In fact the only way he could be more like Edward Cullen is if he was actually gay and sparkled in the sun. So from that point on most of your wall of text is irrelevant. And honestly if there was a girl who was "secretly (airquotes emphasis on 'secretly') madly in love" with me for six years and kept on doing "nice things" for me I would tell her to **** off too. She probably hinted and did everything short of flat out telling him for the past few years and after a while you gotta put your foot down and smack em down.

Just as long as you don't go and condemn her to death or anything... Gunnerkrigg Court, anyone?