By Username - 15/07/2011 19:51 - United States

Today, the plant on my windowsill fell and landed in my face while I was napping. It's a cactus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 202
You deserved it 7 944

Same thing different taste


and this is why you never buy cacti ;)

rabidcatsaysRAWR 0

lol, nice. Why would you sleep under a cactus anyway?

XxThrasherxX 0

Why the hell are you sleeping under a cactus

CRaynee 10

dude that totally sucks ass; sorry bro

Amateur Acupuncture is the scourge of the industry. Making honest, hard working Acupuncturists go out of business. on the plus side I bet you never felt more relaxed?!?!

hahahahahaha fail ****** and the funniest part is it was a cactus watta ******* ******

lmn23 4

why were you sleeping under cactus?