By VocalizedBoar - 20/05/2012 23:35 - United States - Albuquerque

Today, there is an annual solar eclipse. As I was buying the last pair of solar glasses to watch the eclipse with, some jerk snatched them out of my hands and bolted off with them. I now have to make the decision between watching the eclipse and not going blind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 765
You deserved it 3 323

VocalizedBoar tells us more.

VocalizedBoar 6

No joke, all solar eclipse glasses were sold out. Even all the welding goggles were sold out at the hardware stores.

Top comments


I'm sure a video of it will be on YouTube soon.

OR you could've blinded them with science and made one of those eclipse boxes so you could see the whole thing without going blind :) that's what I did

When I was a kid, there was a solar eclipse. I just watched it through regular sunglasses, and it did no damage whatsoever. You should've just worn shades.

Actually that's still very dangerous. Your retina has no pain receptors, so as it cooks you won't notice immediately. There are many cheap ways to enjoy the solar eclipse without risking eye sight. Please look into these things before you do something silly such as using sunglasses to look at the sun. It's a false sense of comfort.

#57, this was years ago. If it was going to do damage, it would have done. I get my eyes checked yearly and there has never been any damage; my eyesight is above average. Regular sunglasses worked perfectly fine for me.

melibear89 7

57- I used regular sunglasses to see the eclipse and my vision is still intact. I have a cousin who has damage in her eyes from not wearing sunglasses and from always looking up at the sun and the damage took years to happen. As long as you have sunglasses That have UV protection your fine. If you look directly into the sun for more than a minute then your doing damage to your eye sight.

You guys do your research. Sunglasses are not meant to handle looking up directly at the sun. This is why they make cheap eclipse glasses.

Is anyone else bothered by the use of the "word" "annular" instead of annual?

No, because annual and annular mean completely different things. Your lack of intelligence is the only thing bothering me here.

braydin72 6

The word is annular. Meaning ring eclipse,. Not annual meaning yearly.

Iknoweverything 29

Why is it so hard for people to google their facts? It's really easy. Just type in "is annular a word?" Then BOOM! You get a definition. No wonder people spend so much time questioning everyone's intelligence on here... nobody seems to want to actually LOOK SHIT UP

TwiztedYuri 9

Google it. plenty of pics there some even. have 4 wheels and rims. and you can pick a color for the eclipse even the year. its intence and a lot to take in. but hey you figured out how FML works. so it shouldn't be that hard. good luck realize that there are multiple other solutions to see an eclipse without going blind right?