By oliviakelly25 - 09/10/2009 06:41 - United States

Today, three months after finally ending a long relationship with the love of my life because he was cheating on me, we are now seeing each other again. And cheating on our new significant others with each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 053
You deserved it 87 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See... that's exactly why he figured it'd be okay to cheat on you in the first place. You deserve whatever you get from this.

palmtrees 1

Not an FML... more like F the life of the boyfriend that you're cheating on. And yeah, if he'll cheat WITH you, he'll cheat ON you.


3 months after she dumped the love of her life she is in a new relationship... Guess she didn't love him all that much after all, or perhaps she is one of those insecure types who can't stand to be single... Oh yeah, and no FML, you're cheating on your current boyfriend, so you deserve to have cheating boyfriends.

chimmy 0

Agree, 55, I was wondering if anyone would comment on the fact that after a "long relationship" they both have new sig. others within 3 months. She needs to be single for awhile, she's obviously not over her ex. And he seems to enjoy cheating a lot.

this is not an FML. you're cheating and complaining about it? that's pathetic

You found someone you're sexually compatible with, but not emotionally or romantically compatible with. You found out (stumbled into more like it) that you two 'work better' just having sex. But you're to obtuse to tell your current romance partner what you're doing. You, are, the epitomical DOUCHE. You don't deserve two relationships, but I'm certain they both won't last.

Obviously, your others aren't so significant, are they? Way to **** up 2 other peoples' lives. The 2 of you deserve each other.

killinmesmalls 0

she was a ho...........for sho.............

KaitlinCuteFace 0

hehe, good one. "Bitches be runnin' wild"

On the wise words of Dr. Dre..."Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks."