By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 10:28 - United States

Today, we sparred for Tae Kwon Do. I forgot my cup, but I didn't think anyone sucked enough to hit me below the belt. 5 seconds into a match, some girl knees me in the happy sacks. After writhing in pain for 30 seconds, I got back up to spar. I didn't think she sucked enough to do it again. She did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 057
You deserved it 31 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's a bitch. Once is your fault. Twice is hers.


It was once said, when sparing with woman, you will be kneed in the nuts, getting up thinking she wont do it again, you deserve to be hit again. CUPS FTW Funny story i was in karate when i was little, i ******* ran at my instructor full force and drop kicked him in the nuts. i was kicked out.. It was sparing, he told me to give him my best shot, LOL

what you should of did after the second kick is punch her in the ovaries and scramble her eggs

This is pretty much horrible. Please stop submitting FMLs.

permission2laugh 0

she is a bitch thats when you kick her ass

VolleyballSMASH 1

He can't, he's is rolling on the ground in pain, because he was to macho to sit out for forgetting his protection. She kicks his ass... balls.

Just give her a few swift kicks between the legs. See how she likes it. Oh, that's when you pull out a knife.

Accidents happen too... Did you you tell you weren't wearing a cup? What was her reaction after hitting you second time? Contrite? Triumphant?

Um... It's not Karate, you guys stand sideways, how did you let her manage to knee you twice?? You should have kept her at a distance, esp. since you forgot protection. I blame your lame skills. Sorry man.

tbritish1022 0

that mother f****r she should go die