By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 10:28 - United States

Today, we sparred for Tae Kwon Do. I forgot my cup, but I didn't think anyone sucked enough to hit me below the belt. 5 seconds into a match, some girl knees me in the happy sacks. After writhing in pain for 30 seconds, I got back up to spar. I didn't think she sucked enough to do it again. She did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 057
You deserved it 31 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's a bitch. Once is your fault. Twice is hers.


mkb_fml 0

Wimp. You think that's bad? My karate instructor used to go to bars and pick fights to test his training, and then beat up the cops when they showed up. My capoeira instructor still has a scar from when a game turned violent and sometime stuck him with a pair of scissors.

AnnaOlivia18 0

but you realized she sucks enough to do it a third time, right?

Why_Me69 0

The 1st was kinda of a bitch move but the second, oh man i would **** her shit up soo bad.

CaptainBaconMan 0

I would have tackled her after she did it the second time.

foryoublue94 0

My Tae Kwon Do class was no contact sparring ....boring =[

for everyone who says YDI,they have no clue about martial arts. Kicking in the balls is a weak stratigy. thats not what martial arts is about. she's probably a white belt.....FYL

VolleyballSMASH 1

Maybe, like an earlier post, she was intimidated, and wa trying to regain control over the situation, so she bought herself time.

#42 agreed. #16 should be raped by a large black man, in the butt

XD im a chick but this guy kept kicking me in the ****, so i kicked him in the stomach really hard and he doubled over on the ground