By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 10:28 - United States

Today, we sparred for Tae Kwon Do. I forgot my cup, but I didn't think anyone sucked enough to hit me below the belt. 5 seconds into a match, some girl knees me in the happy sacks. After writhing in pain for 30 seconds, I got back up to spar. I didn't think she sucked enough to do it again. She did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 057
You deserved it 31 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's a bitch. Once is your fault. Twice is hers.


What a bitch. Kneeing someone is not a TKD move.

I'm a black belt in TKD... I don't remember the "knee your opponent in the balls" move. Hmm... lol

This has happened to me before... once a girl kicked me so her foot hit my butt and she was infront of me. I didn't feel any pain whatsoever. Oh and to #3 we also get disqualified for not wearing cups here.

Monty_Python 0

That sucks dude. FYL. Kick her ass in the next class.

lol you deserved it. Kicking someone in the balls might not be proper tae kwon do, but apparently it's a pretty effective way to defend yourself in general.

MukyDaCookie 0

Goddamnit man! Learn to block! That's why your in martial arts you fool. YDI for 2 reasons !) You didn't wear a cup 2) You cant block or evade a knee

ilikadapepsi 0

she deserves a firm pimp slap

MukyDaCookie 0

#41 that's utter BS. The first thing they teach you in a Karate class is thta it's only for self defense and to be used only as a last resort. A Karate master wouldn't go "beating up cops" for two reasons. 1) He is taught disciple and self control 2) Cops have guns and use them when thier lives are in danger.