By ricksterile - 29/10/2011 00:44 - United States

Today, we were playing dodgeball at school. I tried to duck and jump around so the idiots on the other team couldn't nail me with the ball. Mid-jump, it tore through the air and smashed straight into my ballsack, sending me curling into a fetal position on the floor. I feel like I got sterilized. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 092
You deserved it 10 854

Same thing different taste


jbcrazy 6

haha i guess those idiots on the other team weren't as idiotic as you thought...

Should have followed the 5 d's of dodgeball

killersexy 1

When I played at my school I was the last one standing and everyone on the other team aim 4 my balls at the same time. I hate them.My balls still hurt

raysfan6006 3

welcome to dodgeball Beotch!!

looks like you didn't follow the 5 D's: Dodge, Duck, Dive, Duck and Dodge.

killersexy 1

So? A joke can't be posted more than once?

I get the feeling you made that sound way more dramatic then it really was.