By lifestinks - 05/04/2009 04:17 - Canada

Today, when my boyfriend reffered to my hair, I told him I was going to dye it. He responded by saying, "finally, so how much you going for, 40, maybe 50 pounds?". I said dye it, not diet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 054
You deserved it 9 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TryToBeKind 0

That's when you respond with, "Actually, I meant dye-it, as in my hair. But you're right, I DO need to lose weight - about 250* lbs of it. In other words: it's over. Get.out." *or whatever boyfriend's weight is

actonthat 0

I can't stand that people act like she's committed some horrible sin for not being a size 2. If it's easy for all of you to be skinny, that's really awesome, but for some of us it's a real struggle. I've been fighting to stay a size 8 since I was in my early teens, because I just lost the genetic lottery and got a sucky metabolism. I don't stuff my face (I actually also have IBS, so I can't eat very greasy or rich things), and I'm very sensitive about because I can't stand when I'm feeling down about my weight and people act like I've made some conscious decision to not be a stick. That's not how it works. So shut the **** up. And OP, this guy is an ass, dump him. I'm lucky enough to have a cute boyfriend who doesn't like women with the physique of small boys. The one really awesome thing about not being a size 2: I have boobs. :D


Banthestrandland 0

Seconding #40. But if you ARE overweight then A) don't go into denial about it and B) go out and exercise on top of eating better. Merely "going on a diet" isn't going to get you long-lasting results. I mean, you can say "Yeah! Accept yourself for who you are! You go girl!" all day long, but I'd imagine it's pretty nice to be healthy. As long as people can change themselves for the better, they should.

Ox_Baker 0

I'm sick of everyone blaming someone else for their problems. "I'm an alcoholic because my dad was an alcoholic." "I'm fat because of growth hormones in the McDonald's food I eat five times a day." "I can't form healthy relationships with men because my mother cheated on my father."

Actually the Canada food Gide recommends to eat 3 to 4 healthy snacks, 3 meals and lots of water every day.

actonthat 0

#30: you are an idiot. Yeah, it's possible to lose large amounts of weight. No shit, I've done it. But it's definitely not easy, and the thing people who don't have metabolism don't get is how frustrating it is. Yeah, if I ate nothing but salad I'd be really skinny. But as someone who has been on diet after diet after diet, no matter how well it works, there's a point at which you just want to be able to act like a normal person. There's only so much watching skinny friends pigging out and not feeling like you're 'allowed' to or something a person can take before they snap. And frankly, losing weight takes a long time. It's not like, you start a diet and suddenly just drop pounds like magic. Healthy diets are very gradual, and the average person shouldn't expect to lose more than a pound or two a week... in fact, losing more a week than that for too long is cause for concern. People do lose massive amounts of weight, but not overnight, it's not easy, and-- ahem, **** you-- metabolism is in fact 'an exuse' for having a hard time with weight. I feel bad for all your future wives. "I understand you were just pregnant, but shouldn't you go right back to being really thin? What's wrong with you, fatass?"

kwbuzz23wk 0

all the fat chicks have found there way to this FML too support themselves! as i said before he cant be too big of an ass if he is happy enough to stay with a fat girl. and #40, believe it or not women are more emotional than men and are much harder to tell things such as "your over weight." and before you call me a sexist... that is a fact.

Banthestrandland 0

#43 I, personally, can't form healthy relationships with anybody, because I never socialized, and now that I'm 20 I have no idea what I'm doing. That said, is that because of my own free choices or is it because I got picked on constantly in school and had to lie for both of my parents, who divorced acrimoniously, even as they taught me that honesty was the most important quality in a person? Yeah, it's too easy to blame others for your own problems, especially in that second case you brought up, but sometimes people are just screwed for no earthly reason at all.

The boyfriend sorta jumped the gun on the suggestion, but he's not an ass: he's obviously *never* brought this up before, so he clearly has been willing to accept what she was like. Is it wrong to want better things for the people you're dating? No matter where an individual person's obesity comes from, it's *not* healthy. It may be genetic, but it's still going to lead to heart disease, diabetes, and other ailments, not to mention the very real, unfair or not, social implications. This may be a wakeup call to the OP: If you're 5'2" and 160 - then that 40-50 pounds is pretty damn reasonable. If you're 5'5 and 140 - then maybe boyfriend has some body issues of his own.

actonthat 0

@43, obviously when people are obese as a result of the choices they make, they are accountable, and no one is saying this isn't presently an issue in our society. The real problem here is that any time someone has a weight problem, people treat them like they're a fat wad with no concern for their health. The fact of the matter is that not everyone is programmed to be tiny, and that's no one's fault... and the way people are treated because of something they can't control even when they eat a very healthy 2000 calories a day is absolutely ridiculous. Never mind that it's entirely possible for someone skinny to have all kinds of health problems and someone heavier to be in perfect health.

actonthat 0

Also... odds are the OP is not "obese." Even is she is actually 40 pounds overweight, this does not qualify as morbid obesity. Odds are, though, if it's never been an issue for her before, she's just normal weight.

he should have been more sensitive of your feelings, but if you are overweight this should be a wake-up call.

every day, i come onto fml, and read about people who don't understand jokes.