By Frosty - 06/04/2009 07:13 - United States

Today, while at work at Wendy's, a lady came through the drive-thru with her kid. As I was handing them their order, her child points to me and exclaims "mommy, I thought you weren't supposed to work at places like this when you get older". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 764
You deserved it 9 856

r_frost20 tells us more.

r_frost20 0

I posted this comment yesterday as frosty. I just thought I'd clear up a few things for the repliers. Yes, I agree the job is lame. I'm a co-manager, though, and it pays well for what it is. I made 38000 dollars last year I'm only 22. I've worked there since I was 15. Way too long. I am a college student. I attend the Savannah College of Art and Design, which is quite a prestigious art school. I'm an animation/sound design major (Dual major). My current GPA is a 3.55 I have a full scholarship since my high school academics were pretty good. I posted this because even I thought it was hilarious.

Top comments

it's somewhat true. lol. but i won't bash you because at least you have a job.

Cheers for actually doing your best to sustain yourself during your studies ^^


Ender_ 0

Well this just goes to show that good parenting always prevails.

That's what you get for not paying attention in school. Welcome to the real world.

PhishloverA 14

You're wrong for so many different reasons #12. I don't feel like sitting here and taking the time to explain to you why you're wrong though. You must be jealous of OP because: 1). You don't have a job, Or 2). You don't even have the ability to work at a drive thru window therefore all you can do is sweep floors at McDonald's. If number two is the case, then it's safe to say you're the one who's stuck working there for life because you obviously hate your life if you take the time to trash talk someone like that

Well you could always tell the kid "hey enjoy your future obesity", it comes free with fast food.

If there weren't any Wendy's workers, there would be no Wendy's!

I wish people would be less ignorant about situations like this. Some people have jobs like this because they are in certain situations and they have no choice. I know someone who's father recently passed away and he used to own a Quizno's. Now his children (who aren't actually children, they're pretty much adults) are working there as owners to keep his business going. Other people think that they are low-lifes who can't find a real job and have no ambition when these people don't even know what their real story is. I can't stand it when people judge others without knowing the situation.

#12 - How dare you? Grow up. I'd like to welcome YOU to the real world. It's called a downfall in the economy. 1) Maybe the OP is only in their 20's and putting themselves through post-secondary so they can actually go and get a job that they like and are good at because you clearly hate your life enough to trsh talk everyone else. I go full-time to a very well-respected (and expensive) post-secondary school and work 56 hours a week as a night supervisor at my fast-food job. 2) Maybe the OP is older than that and doesn't need the money. A friend of my parents works in fast-food only once a week just so she can get out of the house away from the kids and her husband without feeling guilty. 3) Maybe the OP just got laid off in this economy. Don't worry #12 - your turn is coming! 4) Maybe the kid is just a brat and made the OP feel really bad about themselves and will go back to school. 5) Maybe the kid is just a brat and the OP realizes it's an FML moment but never once has regretted their life decisions. Either way - **** OFF ASSSHOLE!

alex_vik 0

#8 - So because she wants her child to succeed and not lead a shithole of a life, her mother deserves a smack? What the **** is wrong with you?

Don't stress about it. Money's money. If you're happy at your job, there's no reason to be ashamed of it. To the people who said that Frosty failed the game of life (#10) and didn't pay attention in school (#12): what exactly makes you think that it's okay to look down on him/her? In my opinion, those were stupid comments. I hope you don't judge people as harshly or hastily in real life.

omglolydi 0

#16 = correct and awesome =D