By Frosty - 06/04/2009 07:13 - United States
r_frost20 tells us more.
I posted this comment yesterday as frosty. I just thought I'd clear up a few things for the repliers. Yes, I agree the job is lame. I'm a co-manager, though, and it pays well for what it is. I made 38000 dollars last year I'm only 22. I've worked there since I was 15. Way too long. I am a college student. I attend the Savannah College of Art and Design, which is quite a prestigious art school. I'm an animation/sound design major (Dual major). My current GPA is a 3.55 I have a full scholarship since my high school academics were pretty good. I posted this because even I thought it was hilarious.
Top comments
The OP may be in college. The OP may also be a former stay-at-home mom who wants to add extra income to the family. The OP may work at Wendy's because IT'S A JOB. He or she may have lost a former source of income, or even been forced back into the work force because of a death or divorce. Who knows? The point is, that parent probably told her kids they had to go to school so they didn't end up working at a fast-food place. However, they didn't tell their kids that doesn't mean it's bad to work there. Just because someone has a job in the service-industry does NOT mean he or she is ignorant. Maybe it isn't a great choice for everyone, but some people may actually like having those jobs. If you make fun of someone for making an honest living, then you are the loser, not him or her.
1 and 2 said it
First of all what does the economy have to do with this independent situation, obviously this person has been working there for a long period of time. I know if my child thrived to be an employee of wendys for the rest of there life after university then it would mean that i basically failed at being a parent. People who are blaming the economy for there poor situation are obviously only doing so because there so called secure job is failing them. Which is why people who watched the markets and who are business owners and saw this was coming are currently thriving.
Correction Little Kids Tell The Truth The Don't Sugar Coat It Like Adults
There's an old lady that works at the local Taco Bell. She's nice. But, regardless, props to the kid. Sure, Wendy's may be a job for the laid-off in the ailing economy, but it sure isn't ambition. The kid was talking about goals; so, everyone that's trying to be politically correct, **** OFF.
#55, where does it imply that the OP had been working there for a long time? As it's been stated above, I know people with college degrees from good colleges and are working in the service industry because they either genuinely enjoy it, or because it's good money (most of them are servers at sit-down restaurants, but still...)
#55 - I wanted to respond to you but I could barely understand what you were trying to say through all the misspellings and grammatical errors. You might want to fix those before you start talking down to people.
it's somewhat true. lol. but i won't bash you because at least you have a job.
Cheers for actually doing your best to sustain yourself during your studies ^^