By Sad ex-wife - 21/09/2012 15:11 - United Kingdom - Leicester

Today, while at work, I helped my ex-husband pick out a ring for the girl he cheated on me with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 011
You deserved it 7 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you convinced him to get an ugly ring then :) Sorry, OP.

olpally 32

What an asshat... I hope you gave him a shit deal on the ring and took a lot of money from him.


So, they surgically removed your spine OP?

FYL, OP. Good on you though for being the better person and letting them go down their path. Misery loves company, but you didn't let it choose you. Bravo.

Well, when i was married I once very politely shook the hand of my EX wife's boss after she happily introduced us to each other. Turns out the smiles they both had during that introduction were due to the fact that they had been sleeping together for 4 months without me having a clue.

Just make sure the other woman knows you helped choosing the ring! Just imagine... "What??!!'... Your ex chose the ring?!!!... Are you still friends with her?!.. Are you cheating on me with her?!.." MUHAHAHAHAHA!! :P

devore504 7

Sorry OP! But being that he cheated on you, you're better off without him!

What a spiteful jerk to pick your store to buy a ring.

pregnantpianist 2

Your profile pic combined with the laugh made my day lmao

That's horrible. There was no one else around to take care of him?