By nickyboy - 02/12/2010 17:02 - Australia

Today, while having sex on the couch with my single neighbour, a beam in the couch broke. Not even slightly fazed, she said, "It's okay, my husband can fix it." Husband? FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 907
You deserved it 8 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was talking about YOU, silly! She already wants to marry you! :D

You are probably a very unobservant fellow. If she's your neighbor you should probably see his car at least.


You are her neighbour and never noticed her husband? Are they new in town or living 2 miles away? You should have noticed something, or you wanted to do her so bad you didn't even noticed your surroundings where there ALWAYS will be evidence when 2 people are living there.

DudeImBetter 0

Husband - a married man, especially when considered in relation to his wife. Hope this clears it up op.

It's cool I already fixed the couch, killed the husband and put the body in the trunk of your car, along with the

Along with the what? The suspense is killing me!

Since when do couches have beams? Roofs have beams. Couches have slats.

It was probably one of those roof couches. Durr!

Or it was specially made for the fat people.

RonnieBurgundy 0

that is awesome. way too funny she sounds lile the neighbour i did once.

c8750 2

I keep seeing this. It's "while I WAS having sex..." not "while having sex," unless the couch was having sex with this woman. Which would be much more entertaining but pretty odd.

natpy002 0

you didn't notice a photo of her in a strange white dress? 1 what a ***** and 2 how db are you?