By nickyboy - 02/12/2010 17:02 - Australia

Today, while having sex on the couch with my single neighbour, a beam in the couch broke. Not even slightly fazed, she said, "It's okay, my husband can fix it." Husband? FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 907
You deserved it 8 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was talking about YOU, silly! She already wants to marry you! :D

You are probably a very unobservant fellow. If she's your neighbor you should probably see his car at least.


STP907 8

apparently somehow he didn't notice the man(her husband) that went to and from the house every day

How did you come to the conclusion your neighbour was single? Assuming you were basically right that she is single, then she is probably married and separated, or possibly even divorced and just refers to her ex as her husband... However, probably not a bad idea to ask for a bit more detail about this "husband"... If nothing else, find if out you can get anything of yours fixed while he's fixing the couch... :o)

RedPillSucks 31

Damnit Becky! I've fixed this couch literally a thousand times. What the hell are you doing to this couch and what are these white splotches? Have you been eating sour cream out here again?

...and that's the sound of Red exceeding the limits of good taste. Well played.

RedPillSucks 31

Crushing the limits of good taste.

lulz grammar Nazis ftw.your so funny (lol)

Mr25_fml 14

Has anyone though that maybe this woman and her husband are separated/divorcing?

That's odd... You're from Australia and yet you spell neighbour 'neighbor' using the American spelling. Interesting.

Sometimes we self-edit stuff that we post online. It's a lot easier to change the spelling than having to listen to the howls of stupidity.

tell her next time you guys go out to bring the husband along

Draminicaus 0

61, I really hope that was sarcastic.