By Bobby - 10/08/2012 11:42 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, while housesitting my neighbor's dogs the phone rang. I answered it and a voice said, "Stop checking your Facebook and take care of my dogs. They look like they need to go out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 307
You deserved it 33 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously do your job. You're not getting paid to go on Facebook. Ydi

JimSweatshirt 6

It was probably one of the dogs watching you


Alliente 9

I would make my bets they have a nanny cam. But you totally deserved it.

Do your job. Kids today are so spoiled with technology yes I am typeing this on a phone since I can't afford a computer

So you have a smartphone, costing almost as much as a laptop? I have a secondhand, almost-dead laptop and a secondhand phone that I can text and call with. Tell me more about how 'the youth' is spoiled. Don't act like everyone is the same.

Gloritank 8

And you're 27! You can't call anyone youth yet.

57- I completely agree with you, and I'm guessing the spoiled ones are the ones thumbing your comment down. I have a phone that cost around $20 in American money, and all I can do is text or call. It took me a couple years to save up enough money for an iPod touch, and we have a fairly slow computer. No I am not complaining

Hahaha 50 is probably like a 17 year old kid...."blah blah kids these days blah"

Wtf? Are you babysitting Liam Neeson's dog? How would they know??

Marineman5 6
uglycrow 5

Okay pretty sure OP never said they were getting paid. Don't jump to conclusions. They could have been dog sitting to be nice. I've had watch people dogs before and I've never gotten paid for it. So OP can get on Facebook if OP feels like it..

"A voice said..." Was it your neighbor's voice?!?!? Imagine the creepiness level if it were not OP's neighbor.

You don't get paid to socialize, Op. You get paid to take care of your neighbors dogs. YDI.

In what world do dogs need housesitting and why so many YDI? They are not babies ffs.

No, but they can't let themselves out, walk, feed, or get water on their own either. Someone has to do it unless you wanna go on vacation and come home to an animal cruelty charge.

cameronman9 2

They are watching your EVERY move

I don't see the issue here. It's not the same as babysitting. If I had someone watching my kids, I'd be annoyed if they were on FB (unless the kids were asleep). But when I have dog sitters, I do not expect them to devote every minute to them. Unless the dogs were doing a major potty dance and were being completely ignored, I don't see a problem with checking FB.