By ass slap - 11/08/2013 15:35 - United States - Broomall

Today, while I was hanging out with a cute girl, I slapped her ass playfully. She told me that she was going to get me back. She slapped my ass later that night unexpectedly while I was holding in a huge fart... It came out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 218
You deserved it 24 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can never really truly love someone until you've broken the unspoken fart barrier.


150493x 29

My bf farts in front of me all the time. We just laugh about it. I hope she didn't overreact about it.

hopefully she just laughed it off and did one better than yours

ViviMage 38

FHL. You're a gassy geezer. You blew it! Flatus on your back in love? Leave the Chanel no. 2 at home! Or work on a farm. Come smell the dairy air!

If she's one of those girls who flip out over that She must be fake cause she farts too !

all I see here is an epic win I would have die laughing

Lol well at least you didn't shart on her