By ass slap - 11/08/2013 15:35 - United States - Broomall

Today, while I was hanging out with a cute girl, I slapped her ass playfully. She told me that she was going to get me back. She slapped my ass later that night unexpectedly while I was holding in a huge fart... It came out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 218
You deserved it 24 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can never really truly love someone until you've broken the unspoken fart barrier.


This is one of a YDI and a FYL... I hope it didn't cause a problem so much...

rdenkewicz 11

Look out! Now she's going to have to fart on you!

YDI. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

No matter how gross it may be, everyone farts! Don't let it bother you. Just laugh it off, OP. (:

thatgirlincali 13

You shouldn't be ashamed, if she can't deal with a normal body function thats sometimes uncontrollable then she's may not be the one for you.

lauren525 7

I think she will see the funny side of it. You didn't do it on purpose and didn't hold her down to do it like, ahem, some men do. Just laugh about it!