By sfabsits - 17/07/2011 07:00 - United States

Today, while I was waitressing, two girls ran up a tab of $60 in drinks. They ended up not paying the bill and walking out. My boss told me it won't be the first time or last, as he made me pay their bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 934
You deserved it 3 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah... that's called being a selfish, inconsiderate, ignorant bitch. I would let that fly under my nose. I'd ******* hunt you down.


You don't have to pay the bill, tell your boss to get lost, your jobs to take, and fill orders, you can't hover over every customer waiting for them to ask for the bill, your boss is a total tool!

isn't that illegal? it is where I live :P

CTC2011 0

Hell NO!!! I hope you did not pay that. that's not your responsibly to cover people who run out on their tab. you need to quit good luck

that's why u supposed to pay yo rent wit either money order or check NEVER CASH duuhhh cuz shit like that ends up happening

Yeah that's illegal. He can't garnish your wages without a court order.

kaik12 0

Comes with the territory of being a server. You get stiffed, you pay the difference. That's how it works, like it or not.

pandoraisme 14

This is against the law to make a server pay for customers unpaid bill. As a server I saw employers pull this bs on servers again and again.

I think I would confront him. I think that's an illegal pay deduction. I suggest quit.

rice_CHRISpy 10

This has happened to me and it's only my part time job!!!