By ruvru - 10/04/2009 17:13 - United States

Today, while lying next to me, my boyfriend smiled and told me, "I really like your eyes. They're pretty." He paused and then finished with, "They really help your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 704
You deserved it 4 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL he needs to learn when to stop talking XD

woahcomments 0


Your boyfriend doesn't suck, he probably just has a hard time expressing himself. I agree that he probably meant to use the word 'compliment' instead of 'help'.

BillieJ 0

Oh, you know what he meant, he just had poor word choice.

fatalscape 0

lol. he has no tact. he is probably the type of guy will tell you exactly what he means and you wont do anything about it. he obviously knows your not going anywhere if all you did was post on this site. gl with that.

mylamesauce 0

i don't think this is an fml?i agree with 16, he just didn't know how to word any case, be thankful you have nice eyes =p

Case of deliberate misinterpreting in order to come up with an FML to put up here.

Sometimes we don't think things through perfectly when we compliment, I'm sure that's what was intended. Quite reading so much into nothing.

it helps your face, but it doesn't mean your face sucked to begin with duh~ he just phrased it wrong

MakinBacon 0

I don't get it. Is he saying that your eyes and the rest of your face look really good together? If so, that doesn't sound like an FML. Could someone please explain this for me?

hahahaa nice. He should have stopped talking while he was ahead [: #30, he was saying that her eyes helped her face look pretty. Not that they went really good together, that her face was ugly but her eyes weren't.