By ruvru - 10/04/2009 17:13 - United States

Today, while lying next to me, my boyfriend smiled and told me, "I really like your eyes. They're pretty." He paused and then finished with, "They really help your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 704
You deserved it 4 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL he needs to learn when to stop talking XD

woahcomments 0


#31, i highly doubt it. you're a girl, we guys think and word things differently, only, he wasn't aware that we do.

queenzgirl 0

your boyfriend is a jackass..girl u should dump him.if he cant be sweet he shouldnt say anything.

Pfft give him a break, he probably just worded it wrong. Maybe it's not what he meant

LOL funny. He worded it wrong. I think he just meant "I like your eyes it makes your face shine" or something.

LifeSux19 0

He probably didn't mean it the way you thought he did.

ChelseaAnn08 0

OMG! I would slap him!! But I agree with #36...he probably didn't mean to come out like that...unless he's a total jackass. And if he did mean it like should dump him.

It's "complement." ComplEment. A compliment is something nice or positive you say about someone. A complement is something that completes or improves the object - for example, "Your eyes really complement your face." For all the supposed grammar nazis that roam this site, I'm really disappointed that no one else managed to point out this one.

Stephaniie_fml 0

Haha, you're boyfriend is an ass. Compliment = epic fail.

my eyes help my face all the time too

he probably meant "your eyes really complement your face"