By feartheend511 - 19/08/2010 15:48 - United States

Today, while my friends were over, my mom took too many of her pills and walked around the house nude. She then bit me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 163
You deserved it 3 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nicknesser 0

I knew Twilight was a problem, just didn't know it was this serious. We're all screwed.


hahaa. When I first read this I thought it said "all my white friends were over". enough said.

That's what I thought too. Though that would probably make more sense than how it is actually worded.

toxic10uhc 0

your mom is a druggie milf. FYL.

maybe she was thinking you were the guy she like's necklace!!!!

BitterLoser 0

thats effing hilarious, i dont care who you are hahaha

Dizzygrl08 4

Dang what kinda pills is ur mom taking?! I want some!!! lol

foxxxybabe21 0