By Anonymous - 25/08/2012 15:48 - United Kingdom - Northampton

Today, while on the bus, a small child asked me if I was having a baby, and I replied "Yes." I'm not. I was just too ashamed to admit I was fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 731
You deserved it 10 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JackeeDawn 9

There are only two kinds of real honest people in this world; small children and drunk people.

But isn't that where most people keep their fat? :o


Reminds me of the recent FML from a father whose child asked him if he was going to have a baby.

You should have said "HELL NO" and pimp slapped that kid

I don't feel that bad for her anymore because she made a lot of money off of it.

soad2014 7

Hey, fat bottomed and bellied girls make the rockin' world go 'round! :D

If your sense of self worth is really so dependent on your looks that you have to lie about something like this, then you deserve to feel bad.

Your not fat, Op. There's just more of you to love.

PYLrulz 17

70 - So if you had been publically humiliated, and people did something nice like they did for that woman, you'd say "I'm sorry, I can't take this. I was only harassed, and don't deserve anything!"?!?

She made money and the kids' parents found out and probably punished them in their own way. Apparently the parents were duly mortified.