By Zora - 15/07/2012 23:13 - Norway - Bergen

Today, while shopping, my six-year-old son threw a tantrum because I wouldn't buy him a video game. I ended up having to grab his arm and leave the store. He screamed that I was kidnapping him, at which point I was socked in the face and pinned to the floor by three bystanders. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 281
You deserved it 3 793

Same thing different taste


SystemofaBlink41 27

I imagine that weird moment when the kid had to say it was actually his dad...

I would have WOOPED SOME ASS!!!! That kid would learn at a young age not to tantrum, he can't get whatever he wants, and not to yell things like that. My little brother was a brat like that, me, not so much, though, like every child, I wasn't perfect...

thatKidzmOm 10

My daddy would have blistered mine and my brothers asses if we even thought of pulling that shit. Lol. All he had to do was give us that look and we KNEW we'd better stop!! Lol

thatKidzmOm 10

But my brother and I had the most respect for our daddy until the day he died and we still do. I hold no resentment for being spanked. We weren't abused and when we were spanked, we knew we deserved it.

Llama_Face89 33

It won't be long until society expects parents to REWARD bad behavior...I believe there's nothing wrong with a smart smack across the back of the head if your kids being a little shit. But do that in public today and people will child services.

I threw a tantrum in a store once. ONCE. My mother made damned sure it wouldn't happen again, and yes, it involved making me unable to sit down for a few hours. In a situation like this, I would expect any decent parent to blister their kid's ass!

Roguedork19 8

There is a disturbance in the spanking force. Somewhere in the universe a butt needs some serious whooping.

Unbweavable 17

I wuda left his ass there. See how awesome the video games in foster care are.

By that age he should know better. If you can't get him to respect you at 6 I hate to see him at 16. Kids won't magically start listening to you and it will only get worse.

This is why parents don't parent anymore, why they just let their kids scream in public places: As soon as someone does the right thing by taking the child out of the store, people freak. There is an obvious difference between a mother disciplining her child and someone taking a child who doesn't belong to them. The kids tantrum beforehand didn't give it away...?

thiscrazything 1

Maybe they (bystanders) didn't see that part. Sadly, our culture has shamed parents out of publicly disciplining their children, and the little devils are making the best of it. Our culture better change to allow parents to raise their children without fear of CPS coming to knock on their door, or god help us when that generation takes our place running this world.

OP is a man. That might make some difference in the bystanders' perception of the situation, especially if they also had just walked into the store and hadn't seen/heard the kid throwing a tantrum before.

b_rad_fml 4

I hope you're OK, but ifthe kid would be (a) grounded for the rest of the calendar year, and (b)

Had his ASS whooped, then he would be (finish sentence here)

Bonzer 2

Thrown off a bridge into a puddle of

that is some serious stuff. I had a friend pull that kidnapping stunt when I was kid. cps took him away for a week because they thought the kid was under distress. he had more distress being in the group home. moral of the story is.... more discipline is needed