By anonymous - 03/01/2013 10:34 - United States - Canoga Park

Today, while talking to one of my parents' friends, we discovered that the house he grew up in is the same house my boyfriend now lives in. When he recalled that he lost his first tooth there, the only response I could come up with was, "Oh my gosh, I lost my virginity there!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 700
You deserved it 45 055

Same thing different taste


U_GotitDude 18

You totally deserved that one

You know OP, you didn't really need a response to the statement. Sorry, but in this case, YDI.

KingCeltic77 18

What kind of black magic is it that Noor and perdix are getting thumbed down like this? Does this mean the poles are switched and the FML commoner is now good at commenting?

redhedsaysrawr 18

That's when you quickly say "just kidding!" With a forced laugh.

The_sGTw_0979 4

I hope you weren't the same age as he was..

Should have a sign outside that reads. Oh come on over too my place... Let me bang the teeth out of you...