By jooshuarr - 18/06/2010 23:09 - Spain

Today, while tuning my bass guitar, I noticed a very strange screeching sound. I leaned over to look behind the neck. The biggest string snapped off and cut the side of my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 715
You deserved it 4 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments


How the heck do you tune the low E so high it snaps? You might just be tone deaf.

I'm calling fake on this one, theres no reason to have an E string that high, unless you're an idiot and seeing how tight you can make it


ow dude. the same happened to me with tge smaller string, but i was pkaying instead of tuning.

Brooklyn12810 0

At 27, Bass strings are very expenisive

R0lling_St0ner 0

thats gonna be a bad ass scar wish I could have one like that = lol

Norther 1

ouch dude, that realy sucks!

wesmaster169 0

123- thank you so much! unfortunatly, I'm kinda afraid to wear it out in public. the reactions would be terrible in my town, and I get enough weird ass stares cause of the piercings all over my face. I probably won't wear it out, cept on Halloween. haha. 133- lololol. see? all bands bag on each other. :) people don't understand that. XD

Aw man, **** your life. Bass strings are huge. That must have hurt.