By jooshuarr - 18/06/2010 23:09 - Spain

Today, while tuning my bass guitar, I noticed a very strange screeching sound. I leaned over to look behind the neck. The biggest string snapped off and cut the side of my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 715
You deserved it 4 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments


piano can fall on u while ur playing. brass instrument can b easilly flamible and burn u. lol

tucansam555 3

tuned it a little much there huh?

steveyc20 0

you fail for not setting your bass up correctly

jocelyng_fml 0

33 I have nothing agiansr bass guitar but I bet most of the people on here don't know who those people are

karmaepod 0

oh man that's happened to me with my guitar but it was the baby e string. those little fhuckin strings leave some gashes. all bad, all bad. I feel fir ya bro.

86- mine too. XD thank god I've never broke mine. I only have two sets, and one is really bad haha. Framing Hanely's drummer broke six pairs in two songs while recording. XD 98- *high five* 109- calm down, musicians bag on each other. all bands call thei lead singer a diva, all bands call their bass player useless, just as fun. all musicians do it.

onexgun 0

32 is an idiot. first of if you can't change your own strings you shouldent be playing cause it's not exactly complacated. 2nd you sure as hell don't need a guitar tech to tune the damn thing

18- I have a similar phobia- instead of a uke, it's my guitar. I feel like the string is going to break, then snap in my eye or something. BUT I love playing, so I guess I'll have to get over my fear! (: