By Andrew - 30/10/2012 06:08 - United States - Monroe

Today, whilst in an argument with my girlfriend, I told her she was the craziest bitch I'd ever met. She responded with "Challenge accepted." I'm now terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 930
You deserved it 46 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PowerRussia 2

YDI dude, even in an argument you shouldn't insult your girlfriend like that.


iFit21 2

Keep us updated :) that's too funny

I see all these posts bitching at OP because he "insulted his gf." Oh no! How WILL she survive? Yet if a woman said the SAME THING TO HIM IT WOULD BE FINE. right? I don't think so! FYL indeed, OP.

hunteryager 18

Never give us ideas we strive to prove you wrong

This is absolutely hilarious, had a little giggle!

this is absolutely hilarrrr! never heard anything like it before HAHAHAHAH

xdaftpunkxloverx 10

How dare you insult your girlfriend that way. =/ YDI dude.

anubisismylife 9

be afraid op, be VERY afraid. nothing is worse then a woman scorned. bahaha.

That was mean - and you damn well should be. YDI.

nicholasj96 9

That's what you get, why are you calling her a bitch ?