Tough guy

By Anonymous - 14/08/2013 04:26 - United States - Austin

Today, my 12-year-old son was shot in the foot. After hours of not talking, including to the police, he finally told us that his friend accidentally shot him with his dad's gun, and that he didn't want to say anything because he didn't want to "lose any street cred by snitching." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 009
You deserved it 6 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He is going down a very bad and dark path. You need to have a serious talk to him and cut this bullshit out fast.

michaelaranda 28

The perils of raising a wannabe suburban gangster.


He didn't choose the thug life. The thug life endears the foolish.

websphere69 27

so they should just give up on their son is that what you're saying, because that's stupid.

Seeing how he got shot in the foot, he's going to get stitches either way.

You can't have street cred if you're a dependent, or in street terms a bitch

Can your son switch schools? He needs to be around a better crowd.

Usually with that, the kid finds the same crowd all over again. OP needs too address his child and teach him to seek different company

RedPillSucks 31

Then you end up raising kids who are clueless about others and the world around them. You can't insulate your kids for ever. You've got to educate them in more ways than just traditional schooling.

I think a more important lesson is that just because your friends do things, doesn't mean you should do it too. We, as a society, need to instill in the future generations the need to think for themselves and discern what is right and what is wrong.

incognito1520 20

Hope your son doesn't become a petty thug

That's serious stuff, he could have been seriously injured or killed. This kid needs a good talking to.

Why'd his friend do it or have a gun in the first place!?!?

I hope being shot in the foot was a sufficient lesson for him, but I doubt it was. You're going to need to give him a looooong talk with this boy so he can understand what an incredibly stupid and possibly lethal thing he just did for the sake of looking gangsta. he'd probably consider it to be brag worthy. "Yeah man, I got shot when I was 12, I'm just that hard". He needs his ass whooped. Also, sorry. Accidently hit validate prematurely. :/