Treat yourself

By birthday bash - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - France

Today, it was my girlfriend's birthday. She decided that her "gift to herself" would be to leave the loser who has been holding her back for two years. Hello, my name is Ben, and I'm that loser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 214
You deserved it 5 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fullyhalfempty 0


catferrer 0

Aeo Ben wassup how's it going? wait I already know that

Justcryaboutit 0

Thats terrible. =( I hate stupid people.

SettoFail 9

that is SO weird my bestfrend just broke up with her bf of almost 2 years (who's name is also ben) the other day like either right befor her birthday, because their relationship was boring. So weird. Very similar


russianredgirl 0

Aw poor you. You sound cute! btw I love the name Ben :)

SettoFail 9

no disturbedfan, I already know they are not they same people, it's just a really weird coincidenc i just had to pont out. My cats name is also ben, lol